Astro-photography Astronomy Cape Town Photography Table Mountain

Floodlit Table Mountain

On special occasions, the Council switches on huge spot lights and lights the front face of Table mountain. Tonight is one of those nights.

Table mountain is shown in the bottom third of the  photo. I havent fiddled the white balance so the mountain is a green colour which is quite nice.
The rest of the image has stars in a black background
The top cable car station is visible on the flat top of the mountain
Table mountain is shown in the bottom third of the  photo. I havent fiddled the white balance so the mountain is a green colour which is quite nice.
The rest of the image has stars in a black background
The top cable car station is visible on the flat top of the mountain
pass Passes Photography Travel

Sunset near Komani

Or Queenstown as it was known previously
The pictures were taken from the top of the Nonesis Nek Pass on the Road between Komani and Cacadu (Lady Frere)

The dam here is the Cacadu Dam
Cacadu which means “Bulrush Water” and is the Xhosa name for the White Kei River
Part of the cutting of Nonesis Nek Pass