Dead Zone

Let me rest here and look back,
Look, see that broken hard path
Where I struggled and stumbled
You held out your hand to steady
Me good friend and companion
And the green bit there. Easy
Easy going. The guiding hand
Of a friend in need in deed
and there, those rough rock
I scraped my knees and blood
Trickled down my shaking tired
Legs. I paused there waiting
For the cool wind that soothed
And caressed my achingly weary
Body until my legs could start
Again. Keeping me on this road
What views! What good memories
I look around, find myself
Nearly alone. Parents are long
Gone. Children on other paths
Striding out. Living lives of
Their own. I wave, they wave
I look to find you, to share
The moment, but you are gone
You stopped down there, I can
See where you stopped. Where
You lay down and left me to
Go on climbing slowly upwards
I look upwards beyond my seat
It is very beautiful above
Scenic, soft meadows, but now
Broken up, intersected, with
Harsh outcrops of rough rock
The climb is far more hard
Than below where I cannot ever
Return. I must continue or
Stop, like you, feel the sun
On my face, and feel on my
As you once did so long ago
Back the wind caressing me
It is peaceful here, warm
Maybe I should just as you
Did lie down and rest. This
Is and has always been the
Welcoming, restful Dead Zone.

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